hey everyone!
since i'm back in stardoll and it is back to school time:D
since i'm back in stardoll and it is back to school time:D
so i decided to do kind of a...back to school style?!
and i was shoped at the hidden' stores at Stardoll.com
and i honestly like the way they printed the shopping bag!!
and i was shoped at the JCPenney only at pretty 'n' love!or i can twist the words for being the right word?!idk
and i was shoped at the JCPenney only at pretty 'n' love!or i can twist the words for being the right word?!idk
so, i thought since the back to school is very close and all the spotlight on the "back to school" so i thought it would great to do a back to school style!!
i don't know i just say "back to school" a lot!! in this intro!!
but idk, i just...feel like it's girly style that i've did it for the looks!
is actually 2 looks have the same make-up and hairstyle..
is actually 2 looks have the same make-up and hairstyle..
but it all pink and girly!! and i don't know i feel like jcpenney is for back to school or something!?
wait, i've been said "idk" a lot too in this intro...if i didn't know anything! it will never make sense!!
so, i'm going to show you the looks!
so, i'm going to show you the looks!
it all in the hidden' stores you can get'em at any free stuff blog..
and i'll show you the pictures rrright now!!

this is the make up and the products i'm using it all from L'OCCITANE
but the blusher is from DOT.
and the eyeliner.
and the hair is SS hair.
and i'll put the picture of the first outfit rrrright now!!

so, this is all i got it from Pretty'n'Love exclusive at JCPenney and the sneakers are frommm...evil panda i guess?! let me check in my suite.
yeah, it's from evil panda:D
but i kinda like the Fame, Fashion, and Friends tee. which i find it super cute with the shorts and black tights:D
and also i wanna have a sporty look with the outfit by the....sneakers
to be as a the athletic girly look as a reqular student?!
but let me show you the next look right now:D

i don't know if this look..would be looking good?!
what you think about it?! let me know in the comments please!!
so as you can tell, it all from the jcpenney store..but the shoes are hotbuys;D
as you can seee.
so, i did it as glamorous look but in a girly way and not over do it.
P.S. have you notice that i'm taking this as a serious subject?!
and let tell you the prices for the 2 looks:D
the first look:
Fame, Fashion,and Friends tee (Pretty'n'Love exclusive at jcpenney) 50 SC
Denim short w legging set (Pretty'n'Love exclusive at jcpenney)8 SD
Tennis Shoes (Evil Panda) 40 SC
so this look is not that expensive..
and if you like it, thank you
if you don't....that's your opinion and i respect it!!
so, i hope you like these looks!!
and also in the past i saw jcpteen bag and it's look really cool and i find that it going to be good with the back to school blog post with the outfits
so i'm going to show the pic of the bag right now!
so, what you think about it!!
i think it's pretty good for school!!!
it's at jcpteen!!
so, i hope you like it!!
for more info about JCPenney and their stuff, check out:
have a nice week everyone, and see you later!!
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