Hey everyone!
i know what you thinking?
is,why when i write a blog post about fashion i call fashionistas and when it comes to makeup i don't call you that?
well,Umm...i don't know why! but i feel like when it comes to fashion so you are the fashionistas would listening to me! while it's about make-up...i really don't know why?
but...i don't really know!!! i feel really stupid!!
anyways, since i was a lot into make up and skin care and hair care and stuff like that, i've got a moisturizer..which is very cool on the skin, keep it hydrating all day!
is the..
Shiseido Pureness Matifying Moisturizer Oil-Free

it is amazing you guys!
it's very smooth. and very cool on the skin (since we in the hot summer) so you need something cool on your face! and it's oil-free so it is p-e-r-f-e-c-t for oily skin!
and also you can massage your face with it!
i'm using it! belive it's work with every skin tone!
i'm using it! belive it's work with every skin tone!
and it's lightweight! you can put it quickly! because it's not heavy...AT ALL!!
i check everyday sephora site because i wanna collect the things that i wan't to buy and also checking what people think about it!
so i checked in the comments most of the people was a combination skin type! that what it makes me impressed! because i've been read in a magazine (from long long time) that the combination skin is the hardest skin type to work with!and they say is the perfect moiturizer
but i'm not a combination skin!
and also the next most of the people have an oily skin! and they said it's great for an oily skin!
it's great for every skin type.
P.S. since it's cool on your skin it's perfect for sensitive skin type:D
most of the people like it and some not!
wanna my review: perfect,awesome,amazing!
that's all my review for it!
and i also love Shiseido's make up it's cool!
well, i've got a set with the moisturizer.
i've got a cleanser (which is perfect,perfect,perfect);D
and i've got a toner!
in a teeny tiny packging which i fell in love with!!
i would put the toner in the real packging and also i'm going to put the cleanser in the real packging:D

Shiseido Pureness balancing softener Alcohol-Free
this product is perfect,I LOVE IT!
you just need to put it with a cotton ball.
and it's non-drying and refreshing!
and it's really cool and nice for the sensitive skin!
and it's really cool and nice for the sensitive skin!
i heard also the sensitive is hard to work with!!
so, i checked in the Sephora site and most of the people was comb and oily.
and some of the people are dry skin. and most of the people says it's the best toner they ever used. and some of the people dislike it:/ and it's up to you! because my opinion is: the best toner ever!
and also i told that i've got a cleanser!
but in a teeny tiny packaging!
!so, i'm going to show the real packaging

Shiseido Pureness Deep Cleansing Foam
this product is a-w-e-s-o-m-e!
it's totally the best cleanser i ever had!
it's foamy and milky and so soft on the skin!!
so, i checked in Sephora site and of course most of the people have a combo and oily skin, and some of the people have a normal skin!
and most of the people thinks that: is the best cleanser in whole entire world and it smells great!
and most of the people that is average. and some of the people hate it!
and my opinion is : It's perfect cleanser in the whole world!
some of the girls or womens i don't know! but i liked her opinion said "My search is over" and i really liked it. i don't know why?! but it just a unique comment! and i really liked it! she was in the cleanser comment area!
anyways, i was reading the information paper of them all and i found it has a steps!
Step 1-Cleanser
Step 2-Toner
P.S. you can put the moisturizer alone:D
now let me tell you the prices at Sephora site
The Cleanser: 22$
The Toner:24$
The Moisturizer:33$
my special opinion:is the perfect pureness collection in the whole entire world!!
and for more info about Sephora skin care stuff and other stuff online!
so i hope that was a helpful for you thanx for reading guys and i'll talk to soon..
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